Wednesday, December 17, 2008


My daughter has a current obsession. Her musical Baby Einstein star. I put it on her bouncer rail and turn it on.. when it stops, she fusses until I turn it on again.

I may have to stage an intervention.

I have a new obsession today, thanks to
It's the magical website,

I have spent all day putting my sweet, macho husband's face in compromising situations.

See Exhibits below...

Nope! No time to write a real blog entry today.... instead, I simply MUST superimpose more faces!

Please go to and enjoy the hilarity yourself.

By the way... weighed myself this morning and I've lost 4 pounds this week. Rawk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... (photo tricks) has similar fun photo mashers (over 2,500 funny digital photo overlays). Upload a pic or use your webcam!